Sunday, October 5

ILLDRM© Sunday Good Word: "His Home of Real Love"

ILLDRM© Sunday Good Word: Anthony Crawford Jr.

"There are things about Us that we haven't even discovered yet. That's why it's vital to Love ourselves and to go deep within to find those hidden mysteries that we've buried. Once we unlock that treasure that we buried deep inside us, then everything that we've ever wanted will just appear to us in the form of Living, Loving and Laughter.

It's #‎KingdomTime"

ILLDRM© Sunday Good Word: Jevante Francis

"We must not place God to the boundaries of time and the limits of this world. God is a powerful being that has no limits. If you believe then know that it has been done. Utilize your resource that doesn't get tired or never goes to sleep.


- Jevante Francis

"You can do all things through Christ who strengthen you"

- Phillipians 4:13

ILLDRM© Sunday Good Word: Create

"The Creator has been deemed the mediator of his creation. You see, the flesh is laid upon this Earth to live and to rest, among the rest of creation. Cast down from the Most High, you wonder why the cross is exalted above the eyes."
