Tuesday, September 30
Monday, September 29
Sunday, September 28
ILLDRM© Sunday Good Word: Blessings
"The spiritual journey of each individual is unique, with infinite choices.
There is no procedure or formula method for spiritual fulfillment, and yet there are approaches which have proven over the ages to be successful for many."
- Jevante Francis
"As much as you can, live peaceably with all men"
Romans 12:18
ILLDRM© Sunday Good Word: All One in Christ
Good Day, People of Love.
Today marks the ONE Week Anniversary of the
Every Sunday will be dedicated to spreading the good word of
the Lord, Jesus Christ
and potentially others with positivity to mention.
Thank You for your supporting and continuing to tune in,
for this would not be possible without you all!
God bless.
Saturday, September 27
ILLDRM© Saturday Shout Out: Les W.

"I would first like to thank Chris Chappell'e (Founder Of IllegalDream) for giving me the opportunity to share my view with IllegalDream.
The topic is America. The objective is to get America to pay, the evidence why America must pay is simply history. After hearing the facts you would also agree America should pay.
I call this: ADD IT UP
ILLDRM© Saturday Shout Out: Blak Moore

"Blak is the name and love is the game. Promoting peace and love to all my people around the world through a positive mind state. More than just a Rapper, but more of a revolutionary hip hop activist. Using my words to create a connection with not just your mind, but with your soul. Motivating my people so that we can make our mark in history. I am my brother's keeper and my sister's protector and our children's role model. Taking pride of who we are with knowledge of self.
I am, We are, IllegalDream, where we dare to be different.
Coming together, building together, loving together.
Welcome to our shift."
- Blak
ILLDRM© Saturday Shout Out: BJ
"When I was presented IllegalDream, I laughed but then again I said that was pretty cool coming from him... 'Joe College' was a guy that had a vision and took the right steps in life. I told him, 'ain't nothing in the hood.' venture out and do this. IllegalDream comes from a guy with a vision that gives you the push and words of wisdom to grind and duke it out in this Crazy World... it affects me in way to see a young black man that came from the same street roots and did not let society get in the way of his vision to be better and help. IllegalDream will succeed in this world, if people can understand, step out the box and not take kind words and wisdom as people are trying to talk down to them.
Never let the world change your vision to be better.
ILLDRM© Saturday Shout Out: Rolls Royston
"IllegalDream, crafted by the trapped mind of a young South Central Los Angeles black male. I believe IllegalDream literally grew from hopelessness, it was truly an Illegal Dream, I know because I was there. (Smoking back to back blunts in my Buick Lesabre) Two college drop outs, one photographer one rapper, with dreams bigger than our surroundings. We would converse for hours on topics of God, Prosperity and the idea of over coming our current situation to become successful. After going so deep down the wrong path in life, the one prescribed to us by society as young men, we chose to be more. IllegalDream represents that choice to me; the choice to be aware and conscious of what the world expects from you, but to still have the power of mind (Positive Mindstate) to hold on to your IllegalDream and to bring it into reality through hard work, faith and determination.
IllegalDream disregards the common cultural norms of society
and writes new laws for the future."
IllegalDream disregards the common cultural norms of society
and writes new laws for the future."
Adrian "Rolls" Royston
Prophets Brand Development Company
ILLDRM© Saturday Shout Out: Marshal Arnwine
"IllegalDream has been more than a movement,
but a lifestyle that I chose to adopt.
In a society where you can be treated as a problem well before you are treated as a person, having that IllegalDream mentality helps me keep my righteous mind.
It also helps keep me focused on what my goals are.
My IllegalDream is to be a positive representation
from the city which I was raised in.
With all the negativity presented in society, I will be a living testimony of an IllegalDream, and exemplify that with a Positive Mindstate, you can achieve all of your visions, goals and dreams, no matter what the circumstances are.
ILLDRM© Saturday Shout Out: A Modest Acknowledgement
to ALL of those who have fallen to the evil of this world,
and rose above us all to the greater, more blissful aspect,
joining the angels to look out for those below.
May your spirits dwell amongst US all for ever,
continuing to provide positive guidance.
It's ALL Love.
ILLDRM© Saturday Shout Out: It's All Love
From underground music artists, to a philosopher,
to a diversely based photographer,
to an exclusively designed clothing company.
This week, as the first week, should be one for the books.
The amount of support shown this week is amazing!
ILLDRM© Saturday Shout Out: God
“‘If you can’?” said Jesus.
“Everything is possible for one who believes.”
Mark 9:23
It is only right to give the FIRST official shout out to the Lord and Savior for allowing the embrace, acceptance and fulfillment of the mission here on Earth to help spread positivity along with the word of God.
Thank You.
Friday, September 26
ILLEGALDREAM©: Quote of the Day
Galatians 5:19-26
The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.
"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase."
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Thank You
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure...
Thursday, September 25
Someone Explain
The people here on Earth who struggle to fight for peace, love and positivity throughout the world everyday
The people here on Earth who are struggling to make a dollar for what they want, confusing it as a need, mad at the world for not helping?
Every weekend, the week ends.
Every weekend, friends hang with friends.
Friends chill. Friends laugh. Friends party.
Drinks. Shots. Molly. Pot.
Sounds fun, but it doesn't last.
and neither does your life.
Now, friend, ends with end.
Friends shouldn't let other friends hurt themselves.
But friends do.
Now back to you..
What are you going to do?
Do you want to get wasted?
"People spend too much time finding other people to blame, too much energy finding excuses for not being what they are capable of being, and not enough energy putting themselves on the line, growing out of the past, and getting on with their lives."
- J. Michael Straczynski
Wednesday, September 24
Will Smith explain's how we all can do anything we put our minds to.
Some inspiration for anyone who needs it.
Who You Are?
"The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique."
- Walt Disney
There Are No Limits
"The martial arts are ultimately self-knowledge.
A punch or a kick is not to knock the hell out of the guy in front, but to knock the hell out of your ego, your fear, or your hang-ups."
- Bruce Lee
Tuesday, September 23
ILLEGALDREAM©: Quote of the Day
Anatole France
pseudonym of (or, alias) Jacques-Anatole-François Thibault
(born April 16, 1844, Paris, France—died Oct. 12, 1924, Saint-Cyr-sur-Loire, a commune, or group of people living together and sharing possessions and responsibilities, in the department of Indre-et-Loire in central France, located northwest of Tours on the other side of the Loire)
Live. Love. Life.
To live and love life, all one must do is live like dreams really matter.
Do unto others as you would want done unto you.
Don't create bad karma.
Public Enemy
"YO, these are some serious times that we living through, G.
And a new world order is about to begin..
You know what I'm saying..
Now the question is "Are you ready..?"
For the real revolution..?
Which is the evolution of the mind..
If you seek then you shall find..
That we all prove from the divine..
You dig what I'm saying..?
Now if you take heed..
To the words of wisdom..
That are written on the walls of life..
Then universally we will stand..
And divided we will fall..
Cause love conquers all..
You understand what I'm saying..?
This is a call to all you sleeping souls..
Wake up!
and take control of your own cipher..
And be on the look out for the spirits tonight..
Trying to steal your light..
You know what I'm saying..?
Look what's beside yourself..
For peace..
Give thanks..
Live life..
And release..
You dig me?
You got me?
SAPE (Society of Tastemakers and Elegant People)
"In a poor city in a poor country on a poor continent, there is a group of people with a singular purpose: to look rich... or, rather, to look good..."
Monday, September 22
Too Much...
Complexity is abstractly synonymous to negativity.
The simpler, the better.
Not deeming the removal of profound thinking, but the manifestation of your thoughts should be simple in approach and digest.
Sunday, September 21
Be Ready
IllegalDream© is not your cliche company or average organization.
IllegalDream© is a freedom culture, with a Positive Mindstate as the platform.
Be ready to witness the revelation of the quiet war. There is an infinite amount of positive energy forming in the world everyday, and it is hidden within us all...
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