"I would first like to thank Chris Chappell'e (Founder Of IllegalDream) for giving me the opportunity to share my view with IllegalDream.
The topic is America. The objective is to get America to pay, the evidence why America must pay is simply history. After hearing the facts you would also agree America should pay.
I call this: ADD IT UP
America you owe all African Americans that are direct descendants of the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade. That means all African Americans in America. Will America pay? We don't know. However, America did detain thousands of Japanese-Americans in concentration camps during world war II and confiscated their property. Now Congress says America treated the Japanese Americans wrongly and have okayed several billion of dollars to be paid to the Japanese in reparations. The Germans recognized the evil that they did to the Jews, and right now they are paying reparation to Israel. East Germany wanted to unite with West Germany and in order to do so, they repented and stated their intentions to pay Israel reparations for all of the persecution, hostility, hypocrisy done to them by the Germans. That's a wonderful thing done by the East Germans. Now let's rewrite this a little bit and let's put it in the hands of America. Wouldn't it be wonderful if America said, "We ask the African American people to forgive us for our hypocrisy and the hostility of official United States Policy toward African American people, and for the persecution and degradation of African American people even after 1863 when we called them citizens and said they were free. And we(the government of America ) declare our willingness to contribute as much as possible to the healing of mental and physical suffering of any survivor and to provide just compensation for material losses. Now, let's ADD UP what they owe us. Do you have your computers ready? Let's start in Africa, according to the late great scholar W.E.B. Dubois, a conservative estimate of African lives lost in the Middle Passage was from 50 to 100 Million African lives. We don't need to minimize the Jewish Holocaust. Six Million lives is a lot of lives, but are you telling me that six million white lives are more valuable than 100 million black lives?
You can't be saying that. For the Bible says a life for a life.
Well, if a hundred million of us lost our lives in the middle passage,
The killing of our fathers and mothers after mating them like animals, then taking the children and naming us after the slave master, stripping us of our language, our GOD, or religion, our minds.
Think about it the destruction of our families. Africans fought in the Revolutionary
war that made America free from England yet we're not free.
We fought in the War of 1812.
ADD IT UP!WE fought in the Civil War 400,000 Blacks on the side of the North and the South, some fighting to preserve the old South, others fighting to preserve the Union. After the Union was preserved, we had no Union, but thousands of black lives were lost in that war.
You brought us into religion not to make us closer to Jesus, but to turn us inside out in Jesus name. You know Jesus was no white man. Look at him. The Bible says he had hair like lamb's wool, and feet like brass burnt in an oven. But you make us white minded and destroyed our love for ourselves.
ADD IT UP!We fought in the Spanish American War. we helped America steal Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California from the Mexicans.
World War 1 came. You got in trouble. Black soldiers went, you got victory over Germany. We got nothing but more Hell.
We left our fathers on Normandy Beach, in Palermo, in Rome, in Naples, in Sicily. We left our bodies on the streets of Paris, in Belgium.
They used us in Hawaii, in Bataan, in Corregidor, in Solomon Islands, in Iwo Jima. We lost our lives fighting for America. And after the war was over, America rebuilt Germany. Now the West German economy is the strongest in all Europe. We rebuilt Japan. Now the Japanese are world leaders, but black people who helped you win the war, they are homeless in Detroit homeless in Boston, in the streets looking for a job, looking for a handout. WE helped you win, but you offered us nothing.
We developed leaders to help us. Marcus Garvey came and talked to us, but here in Georgia you trumped up charges against him and you brought him to court and you lied on him later did we learn that Garvey was a good man, he had a movement, he had a good program, but you destroyed it all.
In the 1960s, when black folk began to move, we had CORE, SNCC, THE NAACP, The Southern Christian Leadership Conference, The Black Panthers, The Nation Of Islam. All of these brothers and sisters were fighting for the liberation of black people, but there in Washington, DC, the government of America started plotting against our leaders, and we lost Whitney Young off the coast of Africa under suspicious circumstances. We lost Medger Evers. They broke CORE. They broke up SNCC. They broke up the organization called US(Under Ron Karenga). They jailed leaders of the Republic of New Africa. They murdered Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King JR. They weakened the NAACP and the Urban League. Everything that fought for justice for us, they tore it up and tore it down. I say ADD IT UP, America owes the Black Man.
What is the life of Martin Luther King worth? What is the life of Malcolm X worth? What is the life of all of our black leaders life worth? I say the way GOD may look at this situation here is the present generation of whites, they didn't do this to us. The present generation of whites are innocent of what their grandfathers did, but they are in a privileged position because of what their fathers did; and we're in a hell of a condition because of what their fathers did to us. So if you, the present generation of whites, want to escape what is justly due, then they've got to do the right thing. They've got to do justice by the Black Man. What is the right thing? You(this generation of whites) have to apologize for what your fathers did. You've got to repent for what your fathers did.
You've got to say, we've been wrong.
And we will give you justice.
Now what does justice look like? If you ADD IT UP...if you really add it up you would have to give us the whole country. ADD it up for yourself. The whole thing belongs to the oppressed, if you add it up. We're not asking for the whole country even though we deserve it. Just give us some of it and let us build for GOD after all he is the owner of the heavens and the earth have you forgotten about that. On the other hand you don't have to give us anything, GOD says HE's the POWER today, and He'll take the Kingdom from whom He pleases, and He will give it to whom HE pleases. When I ask for reparation, I'm asking you to save your life. But if you don't want to save your life, then leave it to GOD He'll settle it. Let me tell you how He'll settle it.
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth and a life for a life.
One hundred million in the Middle Passage and you have 150 million white people in America today.
If it's a life for a life, then GOD is justified in destroying everything that refuses to submit, as HE destroyed Pharaoh and his people, as He destroyed Babylon, and Sodom and Gomorrah. And He warned you that it was water the first time, but it will be fire next time.
You'd better ADD IT UP! ADD IT UP! ADD IT UP!
Peace Be Upon You!"