"Back again to share my view with Illegal Dream readers. I call this;
The business of oppression is designed to siphon off our strength. when profiteering establishments come to us they work to weaken and undermine what they will not control directly. Families devoted to family promotion do not invite exploiters. Teenagers who make constructive decent use of their time do not invite exploiters to exploit them. What is defeating us is the circumstances that are forcing the most courageous of our race, the youthful and energetic ones of our race, some of the best minds of our race end up going to crime, to self abuse, to bad influenced music and sports for security or for establishment. The result is the family need and multi-area achievement for our race, never materialize for us. This burden on us is mostly due to the work of a design. The heartless exploiters are heavily controlling the circumstances so that the circumstances seem impossible for us. Some are defeated to the extent they accept that there is no way open to them but to go wrong. Therefore, let us have faith and work on this as though we are enlisted in an army for social reform.
We must work on our personal behavior. If some of us still have respect in and from our families, let us work on keeping good behavior in the family. Work with your wife if you have one, let us work together and work hard to keep good behavior in ourselves and in our children. When I say good behavior I am speaking of intelligent profitable behavior. To start afresh, working to establish race behavior, the more serious area of behavior is caused by the way we think. Go and stand by the strength of somebody. Everyone has a good side, a good sensitivity or some other good quality. Look for that. Look for the good and don't give up, keep looking. I know some of us may have to look for a long time. Once a good credit is found or observed, then think to yourself, how can I stand by him or her in this particular situation? How can I show him or her that I respect them for this particular merit? How can I show them that I appreciate them for this? How can I join them behind this interest? And sometimes it will be nothing more than the person can make a good cup of coffee. We have to keep the bigger picture, the bigger hopes, and the bigger goals before us, and we will then out live bad circumstances to become the producers or the shapers of the circumstances about us. We want to become people who produce circumstances for ourselves, for our future. Another point I would like to emphasize is that GOD punishes a people who turn their backs on GOD's help and who turn their backs on their suffering ancestors who paid a big price for a better life. Our fore parents on this historic land did not intend that their suffering and sometimes horrible deaths be accepted as pay for party time lifestyles of there more fortunate generation of children. Our behavior is spit on their graves, and we the black race are punished. Also I would like to stress the point that vices such as liquors and intoxicants, and destructive behavior are devices of oppression. And as those things to belong to the overall circumstances, also know that those circumstances are not always acting by themselves. The hidden enemies and the open enemies will use those devices against us. They will be working through or weaknesses. And therefore, of necessity, we have to take charge of our own lives and realize that we are constantly at war with the bad circumstances in our environment and with the people who would manipulate our circumstances, take advantage of our weaknesses, and create a more oppressive environment for us. Work on establishing good behavior, a good behavior molds a good character. Better characters makes better communities, better communities establishes better societies.