"I respect the essence of Christianity. I respect it dearly. But I don't respect the ignorant behavior of so-called free African Americans who continue to fight against our religion, Al-Islam. Our own so-called church people are as cruel as can be. They meet with us and act as though they are our brothers. They say, glad to meet you brother, or keep up the good work brother. But they will get behind closed doors with their company and say cruel things. we have to watch these Muslims they are terrorist. They are heathens. They don't believe in Christ. They are the Anti-Christ. Behind our backs they are saying some cruel and ugly things about us Muslims. We recognize these hypocrites and hope they don't think they have put one over on us. They certainly have not. We can't ignore that kind of behavior. Many of these people have become educated and have read about the glowing achievements and high position that the African race had as Muslims in the past life of Africa. Yet, they look for something to discredit that. These immoral leaders will find that the African Muslim had a great past and then look feverishly to find something somewhere to discredit that. They will go and dig up something slandering and show the African people believing in animalism. This is done just to discredit our Muslim pages of glory on the Continent of Africa. No matter what they dig up it looks small on the scale, when we put the achievement of the African Muslim up against it.
What is wrong in us to make us not appreciate African Muslim history? We say that we want to appreciate our past, we want to remember Africa , we want Black History. So what is wrong with us that the majority do not appreciate the biggest of the pages in Black History.? Doesn't that tell you that there is something sadly and cruelly wrong with the many of us? There is something sad and pitiful in that kind of thinking. Something is awfully diseased on that kind of thinking to make anyone want to ignore their past history of greatness, a past that was Muslim. To many are still saying, that is not for blacks that was for the Arabs. We don't want that. That is not the black church. We don't want that. We as a people have broken off from the best and favored the worst in us and in European Americans. So the result is punishment from GOD. I do believe our people of America, we are under punishment. It is punishment for big crimes. Our people lost innocent lives, suffered the worse cruelties and during white-rule, America treated us worse than animals. Our race was shut out of the human society as an equal member. Some did not believe that GOD intended that horror for our race, and they prayed and struggled and suffered and waited. Finally better times came. Support came to our side from exceptional white Americans. Long last freedom and good times came.
The big crime is! The more the freedom we got, the worse our behavior became. We forgot as a people the high and Noble aspirations of those who suffered slavery and Jim Crow days, those who worked for our sake and for our future. We forgot the high principles and great moral and civil aspirations and strayed to have fun on the weekend. We treated those sacrifices and that suffering as though it was for us to have weekend fun in these big cities of America. Don't you realize that it was putting high morals values and obedience to GOD is what invited GOD's help for our people back then, now in our relaxed morals we have invited GOD's punishment There has to be something to appeal to the many and invite the many to excellent behavior. The solution is Islam. Islam is here in America to lift from us this curse this punishment that we have invited upon ourselves.
As slaves we were denied the right to own property. In many of these cities of the US., even after we were freed, we were not allowed to own property. Now look at us African Americans today. We have gotten free from that situation where we can have property. And then what do many of us do? At one time we were not allowed to be part of this business and financial life of the US. But then we get free and was allowed to be part of it, what do we do? We cut each other down. Our people will travel twenty-five miles to do business with another race of people. We will deny our own people our support, we are in ugly competition with each other. It appears we hate to see another one of our kind succeed. Many say, blacks have no chance in America, and many of us work to keep it that way. We like to see our own people succeed after they die, or there has to be a personal connection to the success, someone will say oh that's my son, you know. That's my pastor, you know. Many have to have some personal attachment to the one who succeeds to appreciate his or hers rising. The majority of our people are in this sick spiritual state. For this sick state of being, many deserve punishment and are punished. If you want to talk about punishment and want to talk about really having your nose rubbed into dirt, then look at the people who are coming up now, that we use to laugh at. Do you remember the Mexicans and how many of us thought ourselves better than them? Look at them now owning businesses, buying property and taking care of productive business. Many underestimate the boat people from Haiti. They came to America to establish themselves. Now Haitians are seen progressing. Yet most of us want to keep going to Pharaoh's house for our needs. While right in our face other ethnic groups are coming to America and setting records of progress.
The curse seems to be on our race. We are cursed for failing the best aspirations of our people. Many of us turned our backs on the best aspirations of our people. Many of us in freedom time use our freedom to promote weekend fun, violence, bigotry, and black on black crime. We have to recognize what we are faced with and work to overcome these subtle circumstances. We are yet a liberated people. A liberated people have to have something in them that is independent of and bigger that the circumstances. Right now we are people who are acting out the circumstances. This is what we have been doing since freedom. There is no champion authority in our lives. What we need in our lives to make us come from this bad situation into a good one for ourselves is a productive idea bigger than the environment, a deciding purpose and a goal for ourselves bigger than the environment. We cannot do that equipped with only blind faith, leaving it all up to Jesus.(PBUH). We would think Jesus Christ would motivate us to do for self.
Religion, when it is accepted only in blind faith, can only carry a people until they come in contact with a truly free people they have to compete with. A people without vision will be slave of a people with vision. A people without vision will remain inferior to the people with vision. As a race we depend excessively on other people. It is because most of are blind faith Christians having spirit detached from vision. Most are not Christians of vision. It is not that we have not had intellectuals in Christianity. Some African American intellectuals in Christianity have found a vision in Christianity, but they have not been able to turn on enough of our people to bring about a healthy situation in this country for Christians African Americans. I believe the main thing that makes establishment of the Black man so difficult is that Christianity as a image-centered religion is unnatural for us. There are those who believe that Jesus and his Mother Mary were black. But it cannot take them out of their difficulty. Because deep down, whether they face it or not, they know that changing colors is patchwork convenience, and that in the big wide world Jesus is a white man. Some people in Detroit and in Chicago changed the white Jesus to black Jesus, but this did not change their defeating circumstances, a lost desperate child who is dissatisfied with his real father say, I hate him. He then brings a picture of a stranger and say, this is my father. This child is not going to get healthy: he has compounded the problem. He is ruled by emotional desperation, the child lies to free himself but grows more lost. To make Jesus a African is a lie. To make him anything other than what he was would be a lie. He was a Aramean, descendant of Jews. The Bible says he had hair like lambs wool. Most don't know what they are reading.
We ask Allah for forgiveness of our sins, of our faults and mistakes, and we pray that he guides us always to the right guidance. That he forgives us, grants to us, and unites us as Muslims. That we obey Allah and obey his Messengers, that we strengthen our bonds by improving the contents of our lives.