"I've come to a point in my life where attaining "success" has become my daily obsession. I meditate on what it means daily; the conclusion I came to is when your passion meets your purpose, only can you attain success. And in no way is it at all as simple as 'do what you love and everything else will follow'.
My formula is first and foremost, have true faith in God to provide you with everything you need and keep God first on your journey. A wise young entrepreneur - Montiera Straughter, "College Girls Inc" told me, "ask God to guide my footsteps in the direction I want to go in". From there you will be given a paththat path will be absolutely different from what you thought or create for yourselfbut adjust your vision to God's planning to the best of your ability. I feel like it's better to start at the bottom and eventually climb to the top, than to sit around and complain about how hard the climb will be. Every action has a reaction, so make sure everything you do has a purpose that will help define you as the person you want to be. Discipline yourself and hold yourself accountable. Don't be afraid of hard work, be passionate about your purpose and defining who you are; anyone who gains success loves to work, harder than anyone else. The keys to success for me at this point would be:
1. Keeping God First 2. Adjusting to his vision, not yours 3. Set Goals 4. Work as hard as you can everyday
I own a company called, Prophets Brand Development Company, I chose to call the company Prophets because of my spiritual beliefs and my money goals. The interesting part is where the two parallel a prophetprophecies of the already complete and finished works of God. Not in the process of being done, but just being manifested into the physical reality, but already complete and finished. The work has already been done. And on the adverse, Profits in a business sense is what you have left after everything is complete after investments are paid back, employees are paid, all necessary items are paid for. It's an after product of the work you put in. Hard work is everything; it's what defines who we are and aligns you purpose with God's will. Be passionate and work hard every day. Stay patient and you'll be surprised by what success actually is."