Monday, November 3

From the Owner & Editor...



"With Life being as unpredictable as it can be, a lot of transitions (and additions) have had to be made. Hoping that all of this is understandable, an issue of an apology is in order.

Thank YOU all for supporting the IllegalDream© Positive Mindstate freedom culture and organization. Truly, the love given is what fuels ILLDRM© to thrive and strive to greater things.


An Expansion to the freedom culture has been made in the social media world;

Welcome, the ILLEGALDREAM© Instagram Account!

Daily Posts. Love filled. Inspirational. Profound Photography.

Uplifting Enlightenment. The ILLDRM© Usual...

Stay Tuned.


Thank YOU All again for the consistent pursuit to support.

This freedom culture was created for US all,

so let's do US all a favor and contribute.