Wednesday, November 19


The production of the
has been ceased until further notice.
Thank you for the support & love.

Wednesday, November 12

Happy Birth/Wisdom/Freedom Day.


Sending an exclusive Wednesday Wisdom shout out to a very special brother,

a vital part of ILLDRM, since Day One,


Everyone, please take a moment to wish a strong individual, who struggles on the daily and needs love just as much as we all do, a happy birthday.

You can wish Beyoncé and Jay Z a Happy Birthday, right?

Show a family member some love!

Tuesday, November 11

Want a brighter future?

Life as we know it, is all an illusion. What you do, think, eat, dream about and see on an everyday basis is what makes up the world as you see it. The power of thought evolves into the imagination, this cultivating creation. You want a brighter future? You better turn on the light. Your light. From within.

YOU, My Friend, are Priceless

Take the time to think about what holds real value. What you did not have to work for but was given to you, to keep, to make the biggest impact, in your time here, possible.


No one's opinion besides your own should go greater than the opinion of your creator, whom is God and he says you are fine the way you are, hence why you are who you are.

'Nothin but A G Thang' (COVER) by Nolaj

Every Monday, NOLAJ (Pronounced, Knowledge)
drops a freestyle, with a purpose.
Not just to be heard, but so the people who listen, can wake up!

"Shout out to every rapper from Compton and all of South Central LA, Long Beach as well. This was just Nolaj paying homage to all the OG's and the West coast in general. Link up."

- Nolaj

Sunday, November 9

ILLDRM© Sunday Good Word: Present Suffering and Future Glory

"I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God.
We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption to sonship, the redemption of our bodies. For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what they already have? But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.
In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified."

Romans 8:18-30

by Jevante Francis

Saturday, November 8

ILLDRM© Saturday Shout Out: 'In Retrospect' by Sherika

"In life people come and go, but sometimes the things that matters most are the not things at all. Everything about life has to do with people, situations, and various reasons of the why’s and why nots. The purpose of these issues is what’s at stake, whether they are people, situations, etc…. Sometimes in life we have to understand that we cannot depend on others to share our joys, visions, interpretations, etc… about life. When at the moment, there are no sometimes and what we have are the moments. They help us grow, prosper, but most importantly expand. Expand on the knowledge that others constantly and consistently take for granted. Now, I am human, but what does that mean to be human. A shell with a lot of organs and tissues, combined with thoughts that evoke the person I am supposed to become? Evoked by the individuality that we have and constantly challenge the dreams and mindset that others have. SO yes, I am human. I am a person who has become human, but more importantly become who I need to be. Practice what you preach and explore what you know yet understand the things that we value most aren’t things at all. I still struggle, I still need, I still want, I still grow. Into a flower that I often lose on the account of things that people normally take for granted. But what is it that I really want. What is it that we all search for in a sense? Is it love? Yes it’s love. We all want to feel something that we cannot control, yet so powerful that we can’t reach. Something that can’t be touched, seen, heard, smelled, even thought about. Or is it? Is it physical? Can we tremendously take something so evident and mix it into a blender to manifest into something magnificent. Well I think we can. I think we can do it if we all try to be this evident with our work."

Symbolically Yours,


ILLDRM© Saturday Shout Out: REALITY CHECK by Jordan Wilson

"Freedom of jail, clips inserted, a baby is being born same time a man is murdered, the beginning and end as far as rap goes, it's only natural I explain my Plato and what defines my name."
Let Nas Down - J.Cole

Friday, November 7

Either, Or... Believe.

Simple as that.

Not every key opens a door, so best believe, when no doors seem to open, find the nearest window and jump. Take the leap of faith. God will recognize your courage and faith in him and grant you an opportunity that was never available behind a door (or, obvious way to 'success') in the first place.

Win, Lose or Draw

Competition in life is normal and natural, however, do not result in trying to prove your self worth post-victory or defeat. To brag is not Godly. Respect is still to be given, to those that endure the challenge. Success is to be recognized, even amongst those who fell short.

It's all LOVE with IllegalDream©

I know you see the shirt, though. Shout out to @TrevEnglish

Thursday, November 6

ILLDRM© "ALLDAY" Throwback: Mary J. Blige

Click Through for Lyrics

Mind over Matter

Dear Mike

Your positive and loving spirit was definitely a huge part of who you are. Seeing your smile amongst those who loved you, we shall forever miss. Please, look over those who are lost and misguided, and shed your love and helpfulness on them. May you rest well. You are in a better place now. 


Tuesday, November 4

What's More Dangerous?

"Memorable Spoken Word Artist… Captivating Lyricist…

Compelling Motivational Speaker… Inspirational Playwright…

Thrilling Actor… New Age Poet…


What Goes Around Comes Around

"What you do not want others to do to you, do not do unto others."


Go Too Far

Monday, November 3

Do More

Monday Morning Freestyle 3.0 (by Nolaj)

EVERY Monday!

Don't Sleep on Nolaj...

From the Owner & Editor...



"With Life being as unpredictable as it can be, a lot of transitions (and additions) have had to be made. Hoping that all of this is understandable, an issue of an apology is in order.

Thank YOU all for supporting the IllegalDream© Positive Mindstate freedom culture and organization. Truly, the love given is what fuels ILLDRM© to thrive and strive to greater things.


An Expansion to the freedom culture has been made in the social media world;

Welcome, the ILLEGALDREAM© Instagram Account!

Daily Posts. Love filled. Inspirational. Profound Photography.

Uplifting Enlightenment. The ILLDRM© Usual...

Stay Tuned.


Thank YOU All again for the consistent pursuit to support.

This freedom culture was created for US all,

so let's do US all a favor and contribute.


Wednesday, October 29

My Philosophy: "No Doubt"

"I've come to a point in my life where attaining "success" has become my daily obsession. I meditate on what it means daily; the conclusion I came to is when your passion meets your purpose, only can you attain success. And in no way is it at all as simple as 'do what you love and everything else will follow'.

My formula is first and foremost, have true faith in God to provide you with everything you need and keep God first on your journey.

Love VS Hate


Tuesday, October 28

'Blak Attack'

ILLDRM© Very Own,

Blak Moore

Live Performance


Believe Nothing

"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense."

Monday, October 27

Sunday, October 26

ILLDRM© Sunday Good Word: Listening and Doing

19 My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, 20 because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires. 21 Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.

22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. 23 Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror 24 and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. 25 But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do.

26 Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless. 27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

 James 1:19-27


Thursday, October 23


Love Much, Do Much More


Here's An Electronic, Jazz and Latin Fusion;
Bossanova, Future Jazz style compilation
made in Germany, in 1998


by Swami Sivananda

"Seven Layers of Could've Beens"

"I thought I needed you for security,
Instead I took my frustration and stabbed myself in the heart.
As a noble soldier, but I liked it.
I mean. Loved it.
I thought I needed you for security,
Rushed by all the people at my door,
I should've opened it and I felt as if I needed to.
Run away, from what I loved,
I thought I needed you for security,
A lamp was lit by the candle,
And that's when I envisioned it.
A subtle learner.
I thought I needed you for security,
To feel safe in my own bed.
Laying between the sheets that burdens me,
A life that could've been.
I thought I needed you for security,
I'm so Glad to know that it was just a thought.
Witnessing my truth yet understanding my faith is all the security I'll ever need
Vanished without a trace lost in a haste
Of a action that can jeopardize my future.
I thought I needed you for security,
Knowing that you were securely locked in my past haunted my present
And what life I had left.
I so openly called it theft,
Stealing what matters most to me, yet dignifying yourself
In my honor.
I thought I needed,
What could have been."

Symbolically Yours, 


Wednesday, October 22

Wisdom for Women

"The Flashing Lights, Yeah
We Love It All
The Nice Cars, Clothes, Being Pro
But What About the Darkness Behind The Lens, though?
Do We Continue to Follow the Lights,
So Bright,
Until We Lose All Sight...
of What is Right...
Which is Simply Where We Came From..?
We Left Home, On a Flight
Directed Straight Towards the Plight
of the Flashing Lights.
So Bright.
We Ignore The Light We Once Were
For the Others, Still...
In The Dark."

- Chappell'e, IllegalDream©

Perfect Timing?

NOT For Parents Only

Fall Into Place

Monday, October 20

ILLEGALDREAM©: Quote of the Day


"Let the excuses go...the ones that have kept you stuck in a past you can not change while looking toward a future you can not predict. Give up the training wheels...the invisible walls around your own mind that have kept you in the safe, secure, shallow and familiar waters of your life.
Life will take you over some bumps, bruises, potholes and cliffs. Do not let these clip your wings, scare you out of living or shake your belief in the power of your own dream. No matter what your past has been, or where you find yourself right now...know that it is possible to laugh, love and live again. Believe that you can make a difference ~ right here, right now..with your voice and your story! 

Remember, you have something special.

You have GREATNESS within you!"

- Les Brown

Monday Morning Freestyle (by Nolaj)

Yo Gotti - Errrbody (Cover) by Nolaj (Knowledge)
Monday Morning Freestyle

Subscribe to the channel and follow Nolaj

Sunday, October 19

ILLDRM© Sunday Good Word: "KEEP MOVING!"

"Keep moving!
You may be tired, fired, burnt out and don't feel like it...
but keep moving!
You may have stacks of bills and be stressed out about how to pay them....
but keep moving!
You may have drama or trauma in your life, relationships, children, or career....
but keep moving.
Someone you care deeply about may be ill or declining in health.
It is their journey.
You are here to love, support and/or accompany them...not to become them,
so keep moving!
Life may hand you a set of keys that won't open any doors.
Crawl out a window and keep moving!
You will get past this moment.
You will feel stronger and more hopeful than you are now.
Resolve that you can and will do this.
Just keep moving!
You have something special.
You have GREATNESS within you!"

- Les Brown

ILLDRM© Sunday Good Word: Natural

"Remember, the storm is only Mother Nature going through her cycle.
It's a part of life and only natural. So is beauty and so is love.
Find them both in what is natural."

- Chappell'e, IllegalDream©

ILLDRM© Sunday Good Word: Matthew 6:34 NIV

"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow,

for tomorrow will worry about itself.

Each day has enough trouble of its own."

ILLDRM© Sunday Good Word: Superman Effect

IllegalDream's very own.
Minnesota's Favorite Disciple.

Blak Moore

Saturday, October 18

ILLDRM© Saturday Shout Out: LA 2 QU

Live from Quincy University in Illinois!

ILLDRM© Saturday Shout Out: Blak Moore 2.0

Vice President of IllegalDream, from Minneapolis, Minnesota,

Blak Moore

ILLDRM© Saturday Shout Out: Daryl St. John

On the last day of vacation spent in San Diego, CA
there was a man, on the corner of a Downtown plaza
playing sounds from the Heavens.
An instant adventure of curiosity began in search of
the memorizing tunes from above.
There he was.
A very courageous individual who played as if
he was the baddest in the land
and had a spirit unlike many talents who live to not only entertain
but to bring happiness into everyone's life that witnesses their gifts from God.
introducing to you,

Daryl St. John

Friday, October 17

A 5% Story

Another raw production from Khalik Allah,

the great underground artist.

Follow the jump for the Introduction film of A 5% Story.


The Very Essence of the Culture

Embrace It
Accept It
Live It


Field N*ggas

Here is the preview of...

A Powerful, Timeless Production by Khalik Allah, called

"Field N*ggas"

If you enjoyed this, click READ MORE to watch the new film!

Black America

Thursday, October 16


The Legend,


READ MORE for the lyrics.

Street Struck

"You betta listen when L rhyme; cause being street struck'll
get you nothing but a bullet or jail time."

- Big L, Rest in Peace

*lyrics after the jump

Live from the Classroom

Tupac in the classroom, singing his classic hit, "Keep Your Head Up"

No Desire for the Lying and the Violence

By Far, One of the Most Powerful Songs through the Lyrics Alone.
The Visuals just add


*lyrics after the break


"Every day,
think as you wake up,
today I am fortunate to be alive,
I have a precious human life,
I am not going to waste it.
I am going to use all my energies to develop myself,
to expand my heart out to others;
to achieve enlightenment for the benefit of all beings.
I am going to have kind thoughts towards others,
I am not going to get angry or think badly about others.
I am going to benefit others as much as I can.

We can never obtain peace in the outer world

until we make peace with ourselves."

- Dalai Lama

Wednesday, October 15

Make Your Move

"Your life is a gift to the world. Be the gift that you were born to be. Everything you have experienced up to now ~ the good, the bad and the ugly, can be used for a greater good. Regardless of what is going on around you, be thankful that you are still here. You have new thoughts, untapped strength and more skills that can be developed. Life is not through with you yet.

Forget about your age and don't think about the odds. You have an assignment - a higher calling. You know it. Demonstrate faith in your ideas, strengthen your abilities and use your talents. The world is waiting for you. Your mission is possible. Work to create a larger vision for your life and unleash the power in you to make things happen. It's your time. Make your move.

You have GREATNESS within you!"

- Les Brown